


We provide access to various termbases. The termbases are publicly accessible.

Monolingual, bilingual and multilingual termbases of the Centre covering the following topics:

  • Austrian administrative technology
  • Information technology
  • Anatomy
  • Asylum
  • Translation modes and technology
  • Organ construction
  • Security technology
  • Names of EU institutions
  • Finance control systems
  • Paediatrics
  • Risk management
  • Agrotourism
  • Traffic road signs

See the full list and access the termbases.


The Austrian Language Resource Portal (Sprachressourcenportal Österreichs)

The Austrian Language Resource Portal (Sprachressourcenportal Österreichs) is Austria’s central platform for language resources in the area of public administration. It focuses on language resources in the Austrian variety of the German language. As a product of the cooperation between a public administration body and a university, the Portal contains various language resources (terminological resources in the public administration domain, a language guide, named entities based on open public data, translation memories, etc.).

Access the Austrian Language Resource Portal


Other resources

Access other language resources in CLARIN

Are you interested in a particular language resource or service that TRTC does not cover?

Access CLARIN's Language Resources - choose from a wide range of speech and language data types, as well as software tools and services to process the data.


The Virtual Language Observatory (VLO) provides a means of exploring language resources and tools. It provides an easy-to-use interface, allowing for a uniform search and discovery process for a large number of resources from a wide variety of domains. Facets make it easy to explore and access available resources.

The CLARIN Resource Families provide a user-friendly overview per data type of the available language resources in the CLARIN infrastructure for researchers from the digital humanities, social sciences and human language technologies. The overviews are meant to facilitate comparative research and the listings  are sorted by language.

The listings for each family include the most important metadata as well as brief descriptions, such as resource size, text sources, time periods, annotations and licences, as well as links to download pages and concordancers. In addition to the resources found in the CLARIN infrastructure, an overview of other existing valuable language resources, which have not yet been integrated into the infrastructure, is provided.

The listings also provide hyperlinks to other relevant materials, such as CLARIN workshops and tutorials, video lectures, and key publications.


Content search: To enable researchers to search for specific patterns across collections of data, CLARIN offers a search engine that summarises and displays what is available, no login is required.