Helpdesk and support

TRTC Helpdesk

The TRTC Helpdesk is operated by the Centre for Translation Studies of the University of Vienna and provides expert support related to tools, methods, data, and guidance covering terminology resources and translation data.


The Helpdesk can be contacted directly via email at

Further support

CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure's mission is to ensure that the available knowledge and expertise in the CLARIN Infrastructure are made accessible. Explore more services available through the Knowledge Infrastructure.

Areas of K-Centres expertise:

  • Individual languages (e.g. Danish, Czech, Portuguese), language families (e.g. South Slavic) or groups of languages (e.g. morphologically rich languages, the languages of Sweden)
  • Written text and modalities other than written text (e.g. spoken language, sign language)
  • Linguistic topics (e.g. language diversity, language learning, diachronic studies)
  • Language processing topics (e.g. speech analysis, building treebanks, machine translation)
  • Data types other than corpora (e.g. lexical data, word nets, terminology banks)
  • Using or processing families of language data that will exist for most languages (e.g. newspapers, parliamentary records, oral history)
  • Generic methods and issues (e.g. data management, ethics, IPR, OCR)

You can find all K-Centres here

Depositing service

Do you want to deposit your language resource?

One of the fundamental services of the CLARIN infrastructure is making sure that language resources can be archived and made available to the community in a reliable manner. To help researchers to store their resources (e.g. termbases, corpora, lexica, audio and video recordings, annotations, etc.) in a sustainable way, many of the CLARIN centres offer a depositing service. They are willing to store the resources in their repository and assist with the technical and organisational details. This has a wide range of advantages:

  • Long-term archiving: a storage guarantee can be given for a long period (up to 50 years in some cases)
  • Resources can be cited easily with a persistent identifier
  • The resources and their metadata will be integrated into the infrastructure, making it possible to search for them efficiently
  • Password-protected resources can be made available via an institutional login
  • Once resources are integrated in the CLARIN infrastructure, they can be analysed and enriched more easily with various linguistic tools